WWUH Archives: Alternative Radio with David Barsamian - Robert McChesney: The Internet, Capitalism & Democracy

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Monday, January 13th, 2014
12:00PM to 12:58PM

58 minutes

Monday, January 13th, 2014 12:05PM

affairs community radio alternative robert mcchesney


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Episode: Alternative Radio with David Barsamian - Robert McChesney: The Internet, Capitalism & Democracy

Get more on this program, including a downloadable copy, at www.alternativeradio.org/collections/latest-programs/products/mccr010
Remember the information superhighway and all the hype about the Internet? The wonders of the Digital Age would be liberating. A utopian bliss was at hand. Now it sometimes looks more like a dystopia. A handful of monopolies dominate the Internet. Google garners 97% of the mobile search market. Microsoft's operating system is used by 90% of the world's computers. Capitalism has colonized cyberspace, spurred the collapse of journalism, independent bookstores and many, many jobs. The sharp decline in antitrust enforcement of violations, the increase in patents on technology and proprietary systems, and massive subsidies have turned large parts of the Internet into an electronic shopping mall. And worse, it has become an unparalleled apparatus for government and corporate surveillance thus further eroding democracy. Activists are attempting to reclaim the democratizing potential of the Internet before the door slams shut.

Robert McChesney is co-founder of Free Press, a non-profit organization working to increase public participation in media policy debates. He is professor of communications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the author of numerous books including Rich Media, Poor Democracy and Digital Disconnect. He is co-author with John Nichols of Dollarocracy.

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