WWUH Archives: New World Notes with Kenneth Dowst - Censored Stories 2014

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
12:01PM to 12:30PM

29 minutes

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 12:05PM

new affairs community world david 2014 notes kenneth dowst project censored stories rovics


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Episode: New World Notes with Kenneth Dowst - Censored Stories 2014

From the New World Notes blog:
"A look at recent sins of omission and sins of commission of the mainstream news media.

For omission, we look at some of the stories in the latest report by Project Censored. For commission, we explore the rash of recent news stories warning of shortages of particular branded products--Butterball turkeys, Sriracha sauce, and now Velveeta!

Plus a clip from Project Censored's movie, a news story in song by David Rovics, and an update on the great toilet paper shortage of 1973."

Episode Hosts

None listed