WWUH Archives: Culture Dogs with Sam Hatch and Kevin O'Toole sith guests Greg Ludovici, Partick McGuire and Stephanie Rice of Sea Tea Improv plus thoughts on Lucy, Guardians of the Galaxy and A Coffee in Berlin

Episode Info

Original Aired:
Sunday, August 3rd, 2014
8:01PM to 9:01PM

1 hour

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014 8:05PM

the on and of a in with plus tea greg culture rice kevin dogs sam hatch otoole guests ludovici partick mcguire stephanie sea improv thoughts lucy guardians galaxy coffee berlin


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Episode: Culture Dogs with Sam Hatch and Kevin O'Toole sith guests Greg Ludovici, Partick McGuire and Stephanie Rice of Sea Tea Improv plus thoughts on Lucy, Guardians of the Galaxy and A Coffee in Berlin

Greg Ludovici, Stephanie Rice and Patrick McGuire of Sea Tea Improv are Kevin and Sam's guests - Sea Tea Improv's "Imrov'd Cinema" improv event will hit Real Art Ways in Hartford on Thursday August 7, 2014.
Also, Sam (and Greg, Stephanie and Patrick) saw Guardians of the Galaxy, Sam saw Lucy and Kevin saw A Coffee in Berlin, now at Real Art Ways.

Episode Hosts

None listed